Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Way of the warrior is रेसोलुते इन forex

“Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death...”Miyamoto MushashiJapanese Martial Arts masterUntill 18 month ago, I knew almost nothing about markets,especially forex.I had an another full time job at that time ..Then thanks to the internet, I became aware that there is such an incredible and fascinating market in the world.It grabed me and I grabed it.Then the story began.At first I thougt that it’s an easy prey, but later I recognized that it was me, the”easy prey” for the market...Like everyone else,I guess.After some loses, I realized that I should learn anything that can be learn about the “enemy”.Thru day and night hard work, I began to suck any info about it,especially tecnical ones.I read anything about markets,forex,trading,pscology and so on...well beyond many thousand pages.And I tried them on both real and demo accounts of mine on gftforex.And then I came to conclusion that more than 90 percent of them are merely useless.Not effective.Not practical.Not functional.Not profitale.Not realistic....Not suitable for me nor for anyone else I guess.Fake gurus ,fake experts,fake info...They just lead you to the exit,if blindly followed.I realized that I should do it by myself.Only ”I” can help myself finding a way out of this problem...No one can help me in this world..Today more than 90 percent of what I know about markets is merely my own conclusions,tested and proved in real market conditions.Now I try to clean up my brain out of what I learned of many books at the beginning.Almost 70-80 percent of my trade decision is right and profitable now....which is not sufficient and which shows that I’m still not a real master ....Not yet....The one who think that it can be done just by means of someone elses knowledge, is a fool.The one who think that he or she can beat the market before being a real master,is a fool.The one who is not aware of these, is a fool.The one who made money inspite of these, is just a” lucky fool”,as described by Nassim Taleb, in his masterpiece book, “Fooled by Randomness.”Being a master is a must, and my favorite is Miyamoto Mushashi.Legendary warior,who won 60 duel in a row, not being defeated even once in century.I also advice everyone his only book, “ The Book of Five Rings.” What I find most important about that great master is that , he was a self trained person...He also found the way himself and became a master...he didn’t follow anyone elses path.Think about it.I tried being inspiring for someone out there looking for the truth...I hope I was.Good trading for everyone!

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